Rubber Terminologies - D


Damping:  The quality of an elastomer to absorb forced Vibrationsl energy.
de de la poulie de tension, la bande est tendue de manière
강제 진동 에너지를 흡수하는 엘라스토머의 품질

Date Code
In hose identification , Any combination of numbers, letters, symbols or other methods used by manufacturer to identify the time of manufacture of a product.

 호스 식별, 제품 제조 시간을 확인하기 위해 제조업체에서 사용하는 숫자, 문자, 
기호 또는 기타 방법의 조합.

Deburr : To remove ragged edges from the inside diameter of a hose end; an important fabrication step for assembling hose of fluropolymer in order to insure a good seal.

호스 끝의 안쪽 지름에서 울퉁불퉁 가장자리를 제거하려면 좋은 밀봉을 보장하기 위해 플루오로 폴리머의 호스를 조립하는 중요한 제조 단계.

Deflashing: Any of various processes used to remove the waste edge from a moulded rubber part.

성형 된 고무 부분에서 폐기물 가장자리를 제거하는 데 사용되는 다양한 공정.

Dielectric properties: The ability if a material to resist puncture due to electric stress.

DeMattia Flex Test
 – This laboratory test to determine the flexible life of a material. It measures the rate of formation of cracks in a standard molded test bar.

Diffusion:The mixing of two or more substances due to the intermingling motion of their individual molecules.

Durometer: An instrument for measuring the hardness if a rubber, measure the resistance to the penetration of an indentor point into the surface of the rubber.

Dynamic: An application in which the seal is subjected to movement, or moving parts contact the seal.

Dynamic packing : A package employed in a joint whose members are in relative motion.

Dynamic seal: A seal required to prevent leakage past parts which are in relative motion.

Dielectric – Any insulating medium, which intervenes between two conductors and permits electrostatic attraction and repulsion to take place across it.


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